Senior Citizen Tour

Gift your parents and grandparents that perfect relaxing holiday. Safari, swimming pool, relaxation, reading and jungle. 

Tour Dates

27th Feb – 01st Mar 2020


19,500 INR per person


Day 1

We meet at the Nagpur airport by 8 a.m. From the airport we would be travelling to Pench national park by Car. The drive takes about 2-3 hrs and we would be expected to reach our accomodation by 12 – 1 p.m.  

We would checkin to our rooms once we reach our accomodation, freshen up and proceed for lunch.

All the participants will then we given instructions on what to expect on the tour and what all activities we would be taking part in. Every participant would be required to observe and note down the things that they see during the safari. These would then be used in the evening discussion(s).

Each safari is a excellent opportunity to observe the wildlife and the role each and every bird and animal plays in the eco-system.

With much anticiaption we would be proceeding for our first safari. 

Afternoon safari in Pench is an excellent opportunity to see  the raptors like the Crested serpent eagle, crested hawk eagle, honey buzzard, etc. Raptors are like tigers of the sky, the apex predators and seeing them in the jungle is an amazing sight.

We will be also be hoping to see woodpeckers, orioles, shama, minvets etc.

Pench is also known for the vultures it has. We would be hoping to get a good glimpse of those birds as well.

We come back to our room by evening and have some tea.

Dinner would be served by 8:30 – 9 p.m.  

Post dinner we will have a bit of fun discussin all that we saw and have a nice disussion around the dinner table. The tour leader will help to engage in a very interesting discussion about the real life adventures and stories of the denizens of the forest.

Once tired we will call it a day and retire to bed.

Day 2 and Day 3

Get up early morning and get ready for our morning  safari. Pench is famous for some of the tigers that roam in this forest. And today morning we would be hoping to see one of them.

We start our early morning safari with the aim of finding and photographing these hunters.  We finish our safari by 10:00 a.m. and come back to our room.

Have breakfast and come out to spend a relaxing time in and around the resort.

The resort would have all the facilities to relax and enjoy. One can opt to sit idle beside the swimming pool or enjoy a bit of walk. 

One can also opt for enjoying some fun and games available at the venue. This time can be spent at leisure doing what ever acitvities the participants want.

By 4 p.m. on Day 2 we will have our first nature walk. A very relaxing and an exremely efficient way to observe birds, we will go on a birding trail and observe the different birds that we see.

By 3 p.m on Day 3 we start our afternoon safari. We will mostly be concentrating on finding and observing mammals in the jungle during the evening safari.

We come back by evening and have dinner. One BBQ night will be planned, either on Day 2 or Day 3.

  Nights in and around the forest are best spent listening to the sounds of the jungle – the alarm calls of spotted deer, the call of an owl, night jars.  Additionally it is also a good time to share your photographs and learn new photography techniques. The tour leader will help you in this.

Will retire to bed at night once the evening sessions are over.

Day 4

We get up leisurely and go out for a nature walk.

Nature walk is a very nice way to connect with nature and observe things in the wild. Learn  why the birds prefer certain trees, why they give certain calls, which flower blooms in certain months.

Come back and have a nice and filling breakfast. By 2 p.m. we start towards the Nagpur airport and reach the airport by 6 – 6:30 p.m.

The tour would end here.

The Senior citizen is a specially designed tour by Team Nemophilist for your parents and/or grand parents.  This is tour specifically created and crafted to help them enjoy, relax and explore the jungle in a very leisurely manner

Be it relaxing by the swimming pool or just reading the books in the garden or enjoying a nice BBQ in the evening, they can do it all at leisure.

The activities in the tour are designed in a way to help make them comfortable and also make them explore the amazing and beautiful world of the jungles in India. The days would be spent in observing the birds and animals the jungle and the evenings would be spent playing fun games and listening to real life stories of the many animals in the forest.

Certain activities like nature walks early in the morning, birding, photography (for those interested) would be undertaken during the tour. The stay would be at a very nice and friendly location with option of both veg and non-veg as per preference.

Pench is a jungle on which the epic story of Mowgli and his adventures is based on. So what are you waiting for?

Gift your grandparents this holiday as a gift!!!


The legendary place on which the iconic ‘Jungle Book’ has been based
This is the place on which Mr Rudyard Kipling based and created Mowgli’s adventure The place where you can get a glimpse of the majestic king of the forest Tiger.

This park is also home to the elusive leopard. More elusive than the tiger, you get a chance to spot Mr. Spotty in Pench.

Another predator which is very common in Pench is Wild Dog.  Quite a number of visitors have been lucky to see them hunt and devour their prey. It is an ideal and suitable place to observe and study these hunters.

You can also spot the good old bruin, bear in this forest. Civet cat and fishing cat are also found here.

But the major attractions in Pench are the birds found here. Pench is home to more than 285 resident and migratory birds This park protects 4 species of the now engendered and rare vultures.

 Birds abound in Pench. Migratory birds can be seen from the months of October- February.You can see the Created Serpent Eagle, Changeable Hawk Eagle, Oriental Honey Buzzard, Grey headed Fish Eagle in this forest. Spotted owlets, collared scoops owl, Indian eagle owl and Jungle owlet are also seen here.The Oriole, Indian pitta, Orange headed thrush, Rufous Tree pie, Jungle Babbler etc are the commonly found birds in this forest. And boy are we going to have fun observing them.


Package Inclusions :

  • Accommodation for 3 nights on twin sharing basis
  • All transfers to and from Nagpur to Pench and back
  • Breakfast Lunch and Dinner for all the days while on tour
  • 4 Gypsy safari’s in the jungle with 6 people in one gypsy
  • All park entry fees
  • Gypsy charges
  • Guide charges
  • Camera charges if applicable.
  • Information about the amazing wildlife that you will see during the tour
  • Fun activities on the tour


Package Exclusions: 

  • Travel cost from your starting place and back.
  • Personal expenses such as laundry, water bottles, cold drinks etc.
  • Gratuity/tips to guides/drivers.
  • Any item not mentioned in the inclusions.

      Please Note: Consuming and carrying alcoholic beverages on any of our tours is strictly prohibited.


  • Knowledge of the flora and fauna of the forest.
  • Fun and learning with your little one
  • Amazing knowledge about the many birds and animals which call the jungle their home
  • Relaxation and enjoyment
  • Approaching wildlife in the field
  • Identification of different mammals and birds
  • Pugmark study and bird calls study
  • Living close to nature Amazing memories Desire to explore other places
  • Please Note: During camp strictly follow the instructions of the camp leader,guide and the organizing staff.
  • Clothing related items:-Light colored clothes (preferably t-shirts, pants, track suits, salwar kameez etc),cap, scarf, handkerchiefs, socks, towel, bedhsheet.
  • Medical related items:- Band-Aid strips, washing and bathing soap, personal medicines prescribed by doctors.
  • Personal Hygiene:-Toothbrush, toothpaste, toiletories, hair cream, comb, napkins.
  • Others:-Torch (with extra pair of batteries), water bottle, sun glasses, camera.