Green Scouts – Summer Camp’19

It’s a miracle that Curiosity survives Formal Education – Albert Einstein

Camp Dates

07th May  – 10th May, 2019

14th May  – 17th May, 2019


10,500 INR per head


Day 1

Start of a wonderful Journey!

Pick up from Shivaji Nagar, Kids on board the Bus and wave good bye to parent to embark on a journey which promises to be full of joy, learnings and experiences.

In the bus each one of us introduces ourselves to each other, we also form teams which will remain with each other for the remainder of the tour.

Kids are also informed about the important instructions in the bus and explained the same via role plays done by volunteers.

Enroute we do breakfast at a scenic outdoor location; outdoor picnic environment sets the tone for rest of the trip.

We reach the destination by Noon, we introduce kids to their rooms and the place of stay, followed by reminder on Do’s and Don’ts followed by announcement of Schedule. Post unpacking and a bit of rest we gather back for Lunch.

Post lunch a light activity in the afternoon, which enables the lids to explore the place in more detail. In process kids also explore and learn team dynamics.

Pre-Evening Snacks, Milk followed by a Nature walk. Post nature walk we got back to rooms for changing and getting freshen up and some bit of rest.

We take our dinner and move for the campfire. On the campfire we thread the experiences and learnings of entire day. Space remains open for stories, Jokes, Talent exhibition for Kids.


Day 2

 Morning Alarm Call at 6 AM to Kids.

We Gather at the common ground at 6:30 AM. Milk and light snacks followed by morning activity.

Post morning activity of around 2.5 hours we come back to our rooms, take bath and come back to have breakfast.

Post Breakfast we proceed to our second activity of the day, it would be around 3 hours long. Post this activity we take 1 hour of rest and get back for Lunch. Post lunch we take a bit of rest and come back for the third activity of Day 2.

Milk and snacks to give us energy for the evening activity, post regaining our energy we head to our evening fun activity.

Come back to rooms and freshen up and change for the night, post taking a bit of rest we gather back for dinner and again Dinner would be followed up for a delightful campfire fun.

We bid each other sweet dreams and proceed to the call of Bed and Pillow.

Day 3

Morning Alarm at 6 AM.

We gather at common ground by 6:30 AM, we take some Milk and light snacks and proceed for our first activity of our penultimate day.

Post this activity we come back and take bath. Post Bath we do breakfast and start our second activity of the day.

Lunch and followed by rest of one hour.

Third activity of the day starts off. Kids remain Indoors or in shade during all the activities which are performed in pre and post noon.

Pre-Evening snacks and milk for evening activity

Post evening activity Kids go back to room to freshen up and change, a bit of rest followed by dinner and lots of chit chat at Campfire.

Call of Pillow and Bed. Good night!!

Day 4

Morning Alarm at 6 AM.

Breakfast followed by morning activity.

Group Photo.

Time to take bath and pack up bags and bid adieu to our Winter camp and return back to our homes.

Lunch enroute.

Arrival at Pune, handing over of kids to Parents.

Camp Closes.

We sincerely believe that curiosity is the source to wisdom and creativity, Kids are born curious but our feudal ways of education suppresses the curiosity and leads to “run of the mill” learning from ready made knowledge served to them.

We at the Nemophilist during our “Green Scout” camp focus around triggering the latent curiosity among st kids using Nature as medium of learning. Our Summer camps Nature acts as the school as well as teacher in process of “Wisdom Creation”.

We believe that knowledge is different from wisdom. Knowledge is accumulation of facts and information, but with wisdom one acquires traits of discerning and judging of knowledge and its applicability for life and its surroundings. Wisdom can only be achieved once you are in action and doing the things.  Knowledge is a more passive process.

All the activities in our summer camps are weaved around nature and its components and are extremely fun filed and joyful for Kids.  Most of the tool used in camp of kids are made by Kids only during the camp. Right from eating on Leaf plates to making toys out of locally available stuff, kids are the creators and the consumer for those things.

Nature walks and Bird watching forms an integral part of our camps as we believe that nature connects to you in best way, when you reach out to it. Kids are taken to different habitats to realize how the inhabitants of different habitats change as the habitats change.

Story telling and Drama sessions in the night are delightful for the kids and these stories are not premade, they get evolved during the experiences accumulated throughout the day gives Kids a perspective of experiences in entirety.

This is perhaps the most unique Camp experience that a Kid can have..

Hop on


  • Accommodation 
  • Breakfast Lunch and Dinner for all the days during the camp
  • All entry fees
  • Transportation charges
  • Camera charges if applicable.
  • Guidance during the summer camp activities
  • Personal expenses such as laundry, water bottles, cold drinks etc.
  • Gratuity/tips to guides/drivers.
  • Any item not mentioned in the inclusions.

      Please Note: Consuming and carrying alcoholic beverages on any of our tours is strictly prohibited.

  • Studying birds and learning to identify them
  • Making water purifier using organic method
  • Making feeder trays and nests for birds
  • Role of life forms in ecology
  • Paper recycling
  • Organic way of keeping the pests away
  • Clothing related items:-Light colored clothes (preferably t-shirts, pants, track suits, salwar kameez etc),cap, scarf, handkerchiefs, socks, towel, bedhsheet.
  • Medical related items:- Band-Aid strips, washing and bathing soap, personal medicines prescribed by doctors.
  • Personal Hygiene:-Toothbrush, toothpaste, toiletories, hair cream, comb, napkins.
  • Others:-Torch (with extra pair of batteries), water bottle, sun glasses, camera.

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